Rust-Oleum 238475 EPOXYShield Concrete Etch

Rust-Oleum 238475 EPOXYShield Concrete Etch

Images for Rust-Oleum 238475 EPOXYShield Concrete Etch

Rust-Oleum 238475 EPOXYShield Concrete Etch Short Description

238475 Features: -Create a surface profile that allows for maximum penetration and adhesion of Epoxy Shield Concrete Floor Coating and Rust-Oleum Semi-Transparent Concrete Stains.-Uses citric etch formula to avoid producing dangerous acids or fumes.-Will not harm grass or plants.-Use indoor or outdoors.-1 lb.

Rust-Oleum 238475 EPOXYShield Concrete Etch Key Features

  • No dangerous acids or fumes
  • Won't harm grass or plants
  • Intended for use on bare concrete surfaces only
  • Highly concentrated formula makes 2 gallons of etching solution.
  • Covers 250 square feet

List Price: $ 13.99

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 11:41 AM and have